How is the headphone jack?
How is the headphone jack?
Big compromises. Only 90% sRGB? Last decade has been making shifts towards DCI-P3 & they can’t even cover sRGB?
Matrix is defacto centralized around & servers they provide (where the cost of hosting makes it largely inaccessible to low-spec & medium-sized servers causing them to inevitably shut down & recommending users back to All the metadata gets synced back to the mothership that was funded by Israeli intelligence. Avoid it.
Cloudflare is a CIA front. They offer “free” DDoS protection + static proxy thereby giving Cloudflare the ability to MitM all TLS connections thru their servers. They convinced so many ‘developers’ via ‘influencers’ that every tiny site needs Cloudflare in front of it as a precaution/optimization, but it is an entirely premature optimization that doesn’t need to so widely deployed, but it is. 🤔
Microsoft has always been an enemy but somehow managed to Trojan horse their way into the minds of developers again (neo-EEE) trying to centralize how software is created. Like we avoid Microsoft Windows, the rest of the Microsoft ecosystem should equally be avoided: Copilot, LinkedIn, Outlook, Exchange, Office, Teams, Azure, VSCode, npm, GitHub (Sponsors, Codespaces, Copilot). Literally none of these projects/services can’t be replaced to help protect the privacy of your clients, coworkers, contributors.
How dare you‽ 😂
Firefox can’t load HTML pages? Huh?
Like how the GOP crumbled after two Obama losses to put in a ‘populist’ in Trump, the DNC should fold over, kick out the donors, fire everyone & let the populist movement Bernie really kicked off take over, & let Bernie lead it while he has the vigor to do the leading but not run for presidency. Neocons on both sides should be exiled (lol at taking the Cheney endorsement). A wave of young voters & workers would love to see such a populist overthrow of the establishment (even if they don’t yet understand that what they really want is to overthrow capitalism).
Instead the DNC will adopt the Haskell programming language motto: avoid success at all costs.
Do not assume contemporary low-end quality would the flagship quality. Flagships like LG when they had jacks had high quality DACs—even current Sony phones are good. Adding a jack to the device means less things to dangle & put stress on the already kinda weak charging port; this takes up little room & does not affect waterproofing. Almost all other gear for consuming media has a jack, it is pretty much a conspiracy to push folks into perpetually buying Bluetooth earbuds when the batteries die.