I would suffer a stroke and more, too, if my country wanted to deport my ass to a third world country like the USA.
I would suffer a stroke and more, too, if my country wanted to deport my ass to a third world country like the USA.
Personally for me the most important thing in Android is automatic native call recording. If GrapheneOS gets that, I will consider buying a Google Pixel device.
Also, banking and other apps should stop using Play Integrity API.
You don’t need tinfoil to realize we live in a technology dystopia. All of our privacy and data is sold to the highest bidder. Even if it’s illegal, as long as it turns a profit higher than any sanctions.
If you can live without games having invasive anticheat, then everything should be doable, and probably a lot easier than in Windows.
Imagine where the software industry would be without all the lost productivity because of MSIE quirks.
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